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OPNC Supports Community Wellness Classes

free and donation based wellness classesThe Olympic Park Neighborhood Council has funded a Neighborhood Purposes Grant for Heal One World:

This grant would cover “Healthy Habits Summer” open to all residents. Including 5 classes per week at the studio located at 3503 W. Pico Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90019. One weekly outdoor class at Queen Anne Recreation Park. And several weekly on-line classes available to fulfill a 8 week commitment to adopting healthy habits. The grant would help cover personnel costs, marketing and outreach cost and for Open House event and Celebration event to commence and conclude the 8 week program.

Participants may use any combination to complete 3 classes or more per week to get a certificate of completion at a gathering at the end of the 8 weeks. Classes being offered are health coaching, yoga (many styles), nutrition, cardio, tai chi, meditation. These classes address both physical and mental health and encourage making friends in the community to adopt healthy habits.

Check out the class schedule now.

Open House Event: Both virtual and in person starting/registration information at Heal One World, walk to Queen Anne Park for outdoor Tai Chi, Yoga, Cardio and Meditation mini-classes. Tentative date: June 25th 2022 Attendance number is open.

Commencement Celebration: Tentative Date: August 20 2022 Location TBD by class size, likely community center, with speakers, graduation ceremony, giveaways (open to all)OPNC could have someone present giving information about OPNC and purpose in/for the community.

The program is open to anyone in the community regardless of age or financial status. There is no limit to attendees virtually and in person classes can accommodate upwards of 20 attendees for each class, which will have several offering per week. We believe ongoing support is to the greater public benefit than a one time event. The introductory event and commencement event will have a within reason, unlimited public attendance. The health information will be very valuable at those events and ongoing events and on-line classes and events. Heal One World has been offering classes since 2009 and virtually for over 2 years successfully. The aim is to raise awareness of healthly options and resources in the neighborhood.

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