We received this notice from the City October 17, 2017:
This is to notify you that we are processing the following proposed Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment District. In accordance with Proposition 218, we are forwarding the following projects to the City Council for adoption of respective ordinances and reports.
The new district is to account for the assessments related to the installation of a New LED with a Concrete Street Light and it includes the 3 properties along Bonson Ave.
The Ballot will have 3 parcels affected and the new light will complete the recommended lighting level at this intersection.
Related hearings and an assessment ballot proceeding for each project will also be scheduled:
Jan 3, 2018 Board of Public Works
Jan 9, 2018 Council Hearing
Jan 30,2018 Final Ordinance
“BRONSON AVE & COUNTRY CLUB DR LIGHTING DISTRICT” BRONSON AVENUE, from 65′ north to 85′ south of the centerline of Country Club Drive, at the northern intersection of Bronson Avenue and County Club Drive.
If you wish to obtain detailed information about any of the above assessment districts, please contact Ruben Flamenco at (213) 847-1431. If you wish to arrange for a community meeting regarding any of the above assessment districts, please contact Asaad Alnajjar at (213) 847-1432. (See attachment for Lighting District Area Map and affected property owners) Chris Enriquez Bureau of Street Lighting, Prop 218 Compliance chris.enriquez@lacity.org (213) 847-1821, Street Lighting Engineering Associate