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OPNC Supports Community with PE, Food & Financial Education

The Olympic Park Neighborhood Council has been busy finding ways to support Olympic Park in spite of the pandemic. We recently voted to fund Neighborhood Purpose Grants to a number of organizations serving the community.

All Kids Bike LogoAll Kids Bike and LAUSD are partnering to provide Strider bikes and helmets for Kindergartners in our boundaries to learn how to ride a bike as part of their school’s PE program. Our funding also includes teacher training. This program is already underway at an elementary school in Reseda and we are excited to bring it here. With All Kids Bike contribution and our funding of $4,000 one school of kindergartners will get to participate.  All Kids Bike Neighborhood Purposes Grant Details

World Harvest Food Bank our grant will be used to provide 125 boxes of food including fruit, vegetables, bread, canned goods, dry goods, protein, and more to be distributed to families in Olympic Park. World Harvest Grant Details

Neighborhood Housing Services of LA County helps low and moderate income families with mortgage counseling and financial literacy education. The purpose of our grant is to provide them this education to help keep our neighbors in their homes. Neighborhood Housing Services Grant Details If you are interested in seeking help, you can find the NHS class list and contact them for financial counseling at or by telephone at (213) 381-2862.

All Kids Bike infographic

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