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OPNC Supports Community Wellness Classes

free and donation based wellness classes

The Olympic Park Neighborhood Council wants to support community wellness and invites you to take part in "Healthy Habits Summer" open to all residents, through a grant we funded. Enjoy!

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Capitol Burger Deemed a Historic Resource

capitol burgers

Its Googie-style rooftop features two north-south facing projecting gables which slope inward until they meet at the middle of the ridge. Stylized ridge beams project from the gable eaves.

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Herbalife Triathlon Comes To Olympic Park

triathlon 2022 route

The Herbalife Triathlon is passing through Olympic Park Sunday, May 15. When the Triathlon came through last year, we heard concerns from stakeholders about the challenges of navigating around the race. We have worked with race officials to convey concerns and work towards solutions.

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OPNC Provides Grant to GALA Academy

GALA Girls

The GALA Academy is the first all-girls public STEM school in LAUSD, located in the OPNC boundaries on the campus of Los Angeles High School. We are proud to support our students with a grant for up to $5,000.

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LA Zoo Internships & Library Apprenticeships

zoo internships

The LA Zoo is offering Internships in Conservation, Learning & Engagement, and Animal Nutrition. Interns will work directly with industry professionals on real world projects and jump-start their career experience at an AZA-accredited facility.

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