A Little History
The Olympic Park Neighborhood Council is made up of every-day people like you, your family, and your neighbors. We represent residents who care about their community and who have a stake in the area that OPNC represents. As “stakeholders” if you live, work, own property in the area, or are part of a local community organization, school, a church, or non-profit you are an important part of the Olympic Park Neighborhood Council.
What is our Mission?
The Olympic Park Neighborhood Council is an officially elected body of the City of Los Angeles. We advise the City on matters of concern to Olympic Park. Our mission is:
- To provide an inclusive and open forum for public discussion of issues of interest to the Council, including City governance, the needs of the Council, the delivery of City services to the Council area, and other matters of a City-wide nature;
- To advise the City on issues of interest to the Council, including City governance, the needs of the Council and its representative areas, the delivery of City services to the Council area, and other matters of a City-wide nature;
- To initiate, execute and support projects for the physical, social and cultural improvement of the Council area; and
- To facilitate communication between the City and Community Stakeholders on issues of concern to the community and/or the Stakeholders.
Printable Brochures about OPNC:
View our Bylaws for details on how we are governed.
What Area Does it Represent?
The OPNC runs roughly from La Brea Blvd. east to Normandie, and from Olympic Blvd south to Pico Blvd.
How We Operate
The OPNC holds public meetings to discuss and listen to stakeholders on issues concerning our community. We strive to be informed on and participate in such areas as city services, code enforcement, safety and security, planning and economic development, and general community concerns, including pending City legislation. Through public meetings, at which votes are often taken, the OPNC strives to speak for and take action on issues beneficial to the community.
Our meetings are governed by the Brown Act which requires items to be agendized and posted for the Board to vote on them.
Besides the General Board, the OPNC consists of various standing committees in which all stakeholders can participate.
Supported with a moderate amount of City tax-payer money, Neighborhood Councils have approximately $42,000 yearly to spend at their discretion. Typical areas of expenditure include outreach and administrative support for OPNC, youth and school support, neighborhood improvement projects, community-based events and activities, graffiti abatement, and park and landscape beautification. Organizations seeking support can funding application information and forms on the City Clerk Website.
Please plan ahead, it can take 2-3 months or more to approve and process a funding request before payment is sent. The Board can only discuss and vote on items on the agenda, so completed Neighborhood Purposes Grant requests must be received at least a week prior to the next meeting to be considered for the agenda.
Neighborhood Council Funding System Dashboard
How to Participate
- Come to a meeting. You are invited to speak during the public comment period. Please fill out a speaker card.
- Request to have an item agendized. Please contact our Board with your item so that it may be considered for the Board Meeting agenda.
- Sign up for our emails. We email out our agendas and news to keep you informed.
- Follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
- Join a Committee.
- Join the Board. Board members must be available to attend our regularly scheduled meetings and take the lead in projects in our community. Check our Board Page to see our openings. If you would like to join the Board, please contact our President with your your interest.
Regular Meeting Schedule
Our board meets the first Monday of the month. Committees meet as necessary. See our calendar for details.
***Neighborhood Councils represent neighborhoods with a minimum population of 20,000 people. The average population represented by a Neighborhood Council is 38,000 people. The OPNC is a certified Neighborhood Council of the City of Los Angeles.