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Olympic Park Neighborhood Council Invites You to Join In Our 2020 Vision

Queen Anne Movie in the ParkIn 2019 OPNC had an election which brought us new members, but we are still underrepresented in the East, East of Crenshaw that is. If you live or work there, why would you consider joining us? Because as a Board Member, you have the opportunity to consider and vote on support for or recommended changes to the many land use projects we consider. You would be empowered to represent your neighbors to City Hall on matters like homelessness and street vending and you can vote on funding grants for projects that improve our community and expand our outreach.

The land use and policy issues we impacted in 2019 include:

  • Voted to support permanent supportive housing for families affected by domestic violence.
  • Issued a Resolution against converting a coal plant in Utah into a gas-powered plant to continue to supply Los Angeles with dirty energy.
  • Supported Koreatown Youth and Community Center for tree planting, graffiti removal, and general clean up in OPNC’s boundaries.
  • Held an in-depth discussion about the impacts of digital billboards in Olympic Park.

World HarvestWe reached out to Olympic Park with fun events like Movies in the Park at Queen Anne Park, the dedication of Jewel Thais Williams Square, and National Night Out, which is when the community and police took the streets in solidarity to make a statement that the streets belong to the community and not the criminals.

We supported our neighbors in need with a grant for World Harvest Charities to get a new commercial box truck which they use for food distribution in our community.

2020“Joining with people on both sides of Crenshaw for the benefit of Olympic Park is our number one 2020 vision,” shares OPNC President Mitch Edelson.

Whether you are east or west of Crenshaw, we invite you to join us in making an impact in Olympic Park in 2020. Please come to our meeting on Monday, January 6, 7pm at Catch One, 4067 W. Olympic and let’s get started!

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