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OPNC Seeks Refresh of Rimpau/Dockweiler

Rimpau Dockweiler Intersection

February 17, 2022 Update

At our February OPNC Meeting we announced that Board Members Kyle Cademan and Charles Jang had collected all the addresses necessary to work on petition program for speed humps on Rimpau Blvd.

December 10, 2021

At our December 6, 2021 the Board pressed forward to address concerns about speeding on Rimpau. Board Members and stakeholders have continually expressed concerns about drag racing in the area on Rimpau and La Brea, using Dockweiler as a cut through street.

Danielle Merl of CD10 reported that they had come out and inspected the intersection of Rimpau Blvd. and Dockweiler St. They plan to request a refresh of the stop signs at that intersection and repaint pavement lines.

The Board voted to fund as much as $2,500 worth of slow down signage for the area. When the next speed hump application period opens up, the application can include all of the steps already taken to reduce speeding as a way of making a case for the speed humps.

Also in the works is a food and toiletry drive that OPNC plans to conduct December 27-January 5 to provide donations to World Harvest, located adjacent to Olympic Park. Stay tuned for details.

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