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OPNC Supports Garden Ranger Program at Queen Anne Elementary

Lesson 3: climate & seasons

During the 2019-2020 Fiscal year we supported Enrich LA with a $1,000 Neighborhood Purpose Grant to benefit our students at Queen Anne Elementary. We are happy to share this report about how the funds were used:

The Olympic Park Neighborhood Council granted a Neighborhood Purpose Grant of $1,000 to EnrichLA to be used at Queen Anne Elementary School for the 2019-2020 school year. With the school year now ending, we wanted to share updates with you during these difficult times. The generous grant we received from Olympic Park NC helped us provide students with an educational, fun, and engaging Garden Ranger program at these three schools. It also allowed us to make repairs and improvements to our gardens as you will see below.

With the suspension of our program and closure of all our schools due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we dedicated our time to creating Learn – From – Home content for all our schools. This allowed us to keep students connected to the garden during this very difficult time. The content we created is available to all our schools as well as to the public. You can find them on our website or youtube page. Because we did not have access to our gardens for over a month, we will be dedicating our summer to getting them all back into shape for the fall semester.

Enrich LA Report for OPNC


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